"Think big. Think so big that you have to accomplish your goal in steps"
Richard Adams
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but that's not the reason so many people are poor.
Lawrence Peters
"We insist on building our lives on fear, but when we look fear directly in its ugly face, we generally find a pussy cat. Then and only then are we released to pursue the best of our lives."
Richard Adams
"Money doesn't always buy happiness. People with ten million dollars are no happier than people with nine million dollars."
Hobart Brown
"You can't win the game of life unless you know the rules and are prepared to win, but you have to be sharp, because in the game of life, the rules often aren't written and they keep changing."
Richard Adams
"Wealth is not in making money, but in making the person while the person is making money."
John Wicker
"Most people get married out of their weaknesses and so divorce obviously follows. The best marriage is one founded on the individuals' strengths."
Richard Adams
"There is no security in this life. There is only opportunity."
Douglas MacArthur
"Half of success is luck, but if you are not prepared to take advantage of the luck, then all the good luck in the world won't help you."
Richard Adams
"What you are doing today is important because you are trading a day in your life for it."
"Know the rules of the game of life well enough that you know the penalties for your actions. If you get caught violating a rule, pay your penalty and get on with your life."
Richard Adams
"What goes around, comes around. You can $bank$ on it."
Paraphrased by RLA
"Money isn't everything as long as you have enough."
Malcolm Forbes
"The best life is one of balanced health; spiritual, mental, physical and financial."
Richard Adams
"If you think you can win, you can win. Faith is necessary for victory."
William Hazlitt
"Focus on the positive aspects of life. Enough junk already happens without your help."
Richard Adams
"There is always room at the top."
Daniel Webster
"Why do we always seem to jump when someone yells 'It isn't fair?' Where is it written that life is fair?"
Richard Adams
"Wealth is not his that has it, but his that enjoys it."
Benjamin Franklin
"Nobody changes you. Change is an internal process and you must choose what you need to change and you must make the changes."
Richard Adams
"Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success."
Dr. Rob Gilbert
"Life is a mental process. As an adult you choose happiness or fear, success or failure and all other facets of life."
Richard Adams
"All things are difficult before they are easy."
John Norley
"It is those people with choices that always seem to be the happiest."
Richard Adams
"Seek goals that excite you."
Ted Cragar
"When things are down and all seems without hope, focus on the light at the end of the tunnel."
Richard Adams
"If you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, get professional help."
Richard Adams
"Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly."
St. Francis De Sales
"Honesty to others is important but honesty to one self is critical."
Richard Adams
"Take whatever you are doing and turn it into happiness by taking a moment to gain pleasure from your accomplishment."
Richard Adams
"Dream it, dare to make it happen, do it!"
Carol Ann Cragar
"Don't waste your time reading newspapers or watching the news on TV every day. Only the time and names change."
Richard Adams
"Chance favors the prepared."
Louis Pasteur
"What is retirement, turning 65, doing nothing and dying? Choose to start retirement earlier in life, perform life fulfilling work and work fewer hours."
Richard Adams
"Well done is better than well said."
Benjamin Franklin
"A positive attitude is like a beautiful paint job on a Ferrari, if you don't polish it every now and then, it gets dull."
Richard Adams
"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
Henry Ford
"If you have forgotten to stop and smell the roses, it is time to take a time out."
Richard Adams
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt
"Take a wise person to lunch."
"Life is already too much like a soap opera. You don't have to wallow in life by watching them."
Richard Adams
"Destiny is not a matter of change, it is a matter of choice."
"It is hard to stop and appreciate what you have when you are working so hard to get more."
Richard Adams
"Life is not worth living and dying for if you never stop to appreciate and enjoy all that you have."
Richard Adams
"This life we are a liven is mighty hard to beat. You get a thorn with every rose, but ain't the roses sweat."
Quote on Bert Adams' D.D.S. office plaque
"The harder you work... the luckier you get."
"Life should be fair. Yeah, right. Get over it!"
Richard Adams
"The best way to make a million dollars is to start with two million." (It doesn't have to be your two.)
"Your health depends on taking peaceful moments for yourself."
Richard Adams
"Do what is important not what is urgent."
"It's not that stuff happens, that matters, because it will. What matters is how you deal with it."
Richard Adams
"Thought of the Day - In the game of life, when you roll the dice and don't get the numbers you desired, you just have to apply yourself and make the most of the numbers you got."
"We have all heard money doesn't buy happiness. It is true. What money buys is joy, the shorter term elation of owning that special house, that special car or going on that special vacation. Joy is a good thing. But don't confuse short term gratification with long term happiness. Understand that even though money may buy joy, it doesn't buy happiness."
Richard Adams
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